PumpThe term “lift pump” is commonly used, but most newbies don’t understand what it means. Who should use a lift pump? When do I need one? In this article, we are going to give you all the important details that you need to know about a lift pump without becoming an automotive mechanic.

What is a Lift Pump?

A lift pump can be defined as a low-pressure pump whose core functions is to transport fuel to a high-pressure pump. In older engines, fuel pressure is directed into the injection pump where higher pressure boosts it through an injector. The case is slightly different for new engines that are electronically controlled. The high-pressure pump creates adequate pressure, which is then transmitted to one high-pressure fuel rail. Here, the injectors are used to regulate the injection events.

In both scenarios, high-pressure pump plays a critical role in determining the engine’s performance.

When Do You Need a Lift Pump?

In a diesel engine, a significant drop in fuel pressure in a high-pressure pump can lead to severe problems. The most obvious one is a massive loss of power. The loss of power prevents the injection pump from functioning as expected.

There are times when you need to get more power from your engine. The factory fuel pump, filters, and lines may not be capable of delivering this task. A fuel lift pump can solve such an issue as it provides an alternative way of increasing the engine’s horsepower without having to deal with all the engine issues separately.

A seamless supply of pressure and an efficient water separation technique are some of the reasons that lift companies use to defend their products. However, this can be disputed by the fact that some lift pumps, especially those that have high pressure can also deliver higher horsepower.

Types of Lift Pumps

There are two main types of lift pumps; mechanical and electric pumps. The mechanical pumps are used in the old OEM applications and have a fixed fuel pressure and volume. On the other hand, the pressure and volume of electric lift pumps can be adjusted. You can regulate the pump to increase or reduce the pressure.

When it comes to the performance, most buyers opt for lift pumps that are designed for specific gasoline. Product-specific lift pumps produce higher pressures and are pocket-friendly.

Upgrading a Lift Pump

If you want to get better results from your engine, you can opt to upgrade your lift pump. The only problem that you may have is the size of a lift pump to choose. Should you buy 100-gph or 150-gph lift pump? A typical truck that has an exhaust, injector and even turbo can work well with a 150-gph lift pump. Those that have bigger injectors should go for lift pumps with more than 150 gph.

Which Lift Pump Should You Buy?

Choosing a lift pump is not a complicated process. This is because most of them are designed for gasoline and can work with diesel. You should also check with the manufacturer before buying the pump. Feel free to give us a call if you want some advice of our recommendations.